It's been a long time since I took to the computer to add a blog post to our wonderful website. My web-team subtly brings it up from time to time, my response being "I'll get to it, promise!". Business ownership is a 24/7 job, it's hard to step away from it, especially with growth. I dare not complain, just stating a fact, for the bible clearly says, "to who much if given, much is required" and with the launch of our website, along with day-to-day boutique operations, much is required. But at some point, you have to labor(less).
Recently, my family and I enjoyed a relaxing time in Jamaica. Near perfect weather, a beautiful resort, Jamaican royal hospitality, great food, and the love of family was just the escape I needed. I won't say that I didn't think about business, but pulling away, and leaving it in very capable hands made it a passing thought.
So, on this Labor Day I admonish you to think a little less about laboring and more about taking great care of yourself, pulling away a bit, enjoying a vacation or staycation all while planning to work smarter, not harder.
I love the picture featured in this post, it's actually my mom in the pool. She couldn't look more peaceful, at rest, and fashionably cool in the heat of Jamaica!
Happy Labor(less) Day!
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